The title sounds like homicide…does it? Even if it doesn’t, you must agree to me that it does! Because that’s what came to my mind!
Ok…first things first! Am too busy today! Have a flight to catch in the evening, so need to bunk office (I don’t actually have to ‘bunk’, but I like the thought of ‘bunking’ office…so….)
But couldn’t resist this post! I was planning to be at office early today. The key word here is ‘planning’. As usual, last night I ended up chatting late (this has been an addiction, since there are some people online at wee hours I like talking to)…and when my Photon ditched me, went back to texting… followed by calls…then story book…then random thoughts…ended up sleeping at 3 in the morning. Was sad thinking that for the next one week won’t be able to text in the middle of the night, won’t be able to post dawn-ish updates on Facebook. For the next one week, my only savior would be work…I will work late nights…and am happy for that!
Still managed to wake up early today! But…calls! Every single person (read 10 people) called me since morning…all from home! Each having their own story, ending with “fly safe.” The discussions are as follows:
My dada plans to pick me up from the airport and go for dinner
My mom called up to say what she’s cooking for dinner tonight
My mom wants me to go for shopping,
My didi wants me to go out with her for some work which she will disclose later,
My dad wants me to go and meet the tax consultant (and have already booked an appointment one week back…thanks to my not filing returns),
My jethu (uncle) wants me to have a proper lunch at home and is making arrangements for it,
My dada’s fiancĂ© wants me to go out for lunch followed by a movie,
Another uncle wants me to go out with him for 2 hours in the morning for some work I don’t know,
My brother wants me to drop him for tuition, since his friends want to see me,
A friend whom I haven’t met for five years wants to meet in Coffee House to relive those old moments
And many more I don’t remember! Many 'will meet you on Saturday for sure" kinda promises I made and forgot...Wish I had more time to fulfill all these...
Wonder what awaits me for the next one week! Will keep you posted!
Between, thought would post it here…
Listen to the mustn’ts! Listen to the don'ts! Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts! Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, anything can be!
No specific reason for posting it here, except I am scared for some unknown reason! Or maybe I know it! Let’s see what life has in store….