Will miss you...

Forgot when it was last time that I had a New Year’s Eve plan in place. No…don’t get me wrong, its not that I intentionally tried to avoid people. It just didn’t happen! Work schedules, laziness…or blame it just to Facebook, where I am in regular touch with people I call friends.

But as surprising as this year turned out to be, surprisingly I have a plan in place. In fact, a couple of them so to say! A part of me is excited to meet people I haven’t met for ages…renew old ties, another part is dreading the what-how-when-why’s that am sure would come up. Another dear part of me is silently wishing to be in my city…doing something I would have been really happy doing. The impulsive whimsical me wanted to go and give surprise to some people…its just four hours to-and-fro. But then the logical me took over, and I refrained.

2010 has been good. As long as I choose to look back at the smiles it has given me, the year has been awesome. Some awesome people in my life…awesome moments…and lessons of lifetime. Perhaps that’s why I am silently wishing 2010 never ends. Who knows what 2011 has in store?

To be honest, I fell in love with 2010. And as possessive and introvert as I am, just when I realized and admitted that am in love with the year, it’s about to make its exit. Heard somewhere…tell/ realize before its too late. Same happened to me and 2010. But guess it has to go. So I’ll let it. With a smile.

And will welcome 2011…with whatever it has in store for me. And promise myself to take each day as it comes…each moment as it comes…and live as if there is no tomorrow.


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