no name...Please!!

When Nandan is not just about good movies, when the bhelpuri might be a little more sour than you usually prefer but it just doesn't matter, when you would gladly buy one Cornetto rather than two, when none of the Archies' or Hallmark cards seem to say what you want to say, when you feel happy just like that, when you believe there is something magical in the air, when you can stand on the roof and count the stars, when walking in the rain is an experience, when one of the most important thing you do at office is miss him, when talking about the worst day ever is not bad afterall, when you don't always need words to say something, when the heat and the pollution becomes bearable because someone is walking by your side, when you try to find out what's so interesting about cricket, when a touch of his hand is all that you need when nothing seems to be going right, when you want to hold on to every moment of the dream, when you don't want to wake up as yet, when you hope you never have to let go, when you can't help the lump in your throat if there is a hint you may have to...

You know there is someone special in your life...perhaps a friend you have known for some time but never knew when he became so much more...

Let's cherish this exhilaration. Let's not bring in hard words like commitment. It's a lovely feeling. But let's not call it love. Let's not give it any name at all.

For those who haven't been to Kolkata, Nandan is a popular hang-out for the young and the aged. More here:


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