Zindagi na milegi dubara...

I always believed living life in moments. Moments when you live life, when you feel alive! Yes, behind these were pains of growing up, of realizations, of lost loves, of unrequited dreams. But…I did grow up, outgrew all the pain, learnt to let go.

It didn’t come easy. But trust me, the pain was worth it. Only when you live moments do you realize that there are times when you believe you can really fly. That love is nothing but celebrating a moment of living yourself. You celebrate your life and whoever holds your hand (or watches you smilingly doing that) on that moment is your love. I know it sounds weird (maybe selfish), but think about it! Otherwise why do we all have stories which never worked out, or stories which we believe would have worked out?

I often wish to have wings. Wings to fly as a bird…free in the air... without chains of bondage, of norms, of being good! But wishes are horses; hence I chose to take escapades to ride those horses. Like I did today (oops! It’s yesterday already)!

Nothing special with the day though. Usual back-to-back movies… and moments of flying. Yes…I re-realized why Hyderabad is ‘my’ city. A city where you can get lost and still know your way back home. A city that has been the witness of my holding on, letting go, and holding myself up amidst all these.

And realized love is probably all about waking up in the morning with a smile on your face, talking to mom about someone and listening her enjoying it, dragging someone to movie just because you want to watch it, getting upset just to be pampered, making puppy faces just to be hugged, having someone to drive you home after a late night drink, having someone to indulge you to one more ice-cream after you promise to hit the gym, being crazy just like that, and…

And double cheese burst pizza to sound all the more cheesy!

Love you life!!


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