the Questions…

Did anyone ever tell me that I would miss my home awfully much?
Did anyone ever teach me what to do when on a certain evening the city-I-grew-up-in would whisper deafeningly my name?

Have I done so much, grown up so much…that returning to where I come from scares me?
Am I aware that I am away for so long …that family is a planned appointment?

Was I aware that I am such a different person at work that I no longer remember what I wanted to be at 6?
Was I aware that the song that my mom would sing to me when I was a kid is not on my iPod?

Have I ever imagined that I can spend an entire afternoon alone?
Have I ever imagined that I would wait for rain-walk…and can laugh for no reason at all?
Have I ever noticed before when watching the rains that the coconut fronds dance?

When was the last time I learnt the best lesson of my life?
Was it when dad taught me ‘confusing tense’ at the bus stop?
Or was it when ma told me not to talk to strange men before I left the house?

When was it I did something I really want to do on my birthday?
Was I ever warned that someday, I would have heard so many wise people that will no longer be able to hear myself?

What was it that the security check alerted me the last time I got onto a plane?
What was it that I forgot last time while leaving a city for another? Yet again… another city….

When was it I first realized that every time I cook a meal, I put in a bit of my mom, a bit of my granny, a cereal of what my upbringing was about, and a garnishing of who I am, and what I like today?
When was it I first realized that my ma can really be my best friend?

Did I ever think that every time I buy myself a new dress, my Ma is folding away another little lacy frock…perhaps for my child?
How did I know that Dad would still come to pick me up at the airport when I have a chauffeur-driven car, or those company comforts?

When did I realize that an older sibling is at times more than my parents? Or that a younger sibling is more precious than my child?

Did I ever realize that sepia is ALSO a color…an important one?


There are so many questions in our life. We try to get all the answers but in vain.perpetual effort for finding answwers is also pleasurable.
moon.attic said…
well...some questions are also best left unanswered
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unanswered questions are charm of life rathe you can say spice of life.
"...returning to where I come from scares me?"

Very evocative.... and oh! U have a kinda Oedipus complex? :P

Just kiddin, a great piece of writing - something stirringly profound after a long time of reading banal stuff online... kudos n keep goin!!

Nadir :)
Raviteja said…
Some questions are good without answers

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