
“It seems I started this poem
So many years ago
I cannot follow its ending
And must begin anew”

Of late, Vikram Seth has been the love of my life. Nothing new in it though…fell for his writings while I was in college, thanks to a friend of mine. I remember the first book of his I read – An Equal Music. Followed by don’t remember what. All I remember is we used to read anything and everything that we managed to get our hands on! Everything but what was there in syllabus. And talks ranged from Machiavelli to Lolita, from Freud to Jung.

And now, suddenly, am again hooked to Seth. For no particular reason though! Just missing the friend who introduced me to him! And the weird part is: I choose to miss.

Strange, is it? I bet it is! My mind is! Can never figure out what goes on inside. As Floyd would have said: “There is someone in my head and it’s not me”

But I do realize, the poem that begun years ago have been modified and re-modified and re-re-modified so many times that I can’t follow its ending. And am lost in the poem! Guess it’s time to begin anew. Or should I just let the poem continue in its own way?

The stakes are higher (I quote). And I once again realize life is all about living in it or living through it!

Crap!! This writing I meant! I bet you won’t understand a bit of it. So makes sense for me to write it here…

I wouldn’t have put it here if it made any obvious sense to all! Happy confusion! 

Note: I owe the title of this post to AK, who calls me by this name often. 


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