You before anyone else...
You’re the only one who has seen my most uncensored, no filter self.
Because you get me.
You get that I must pause conversation once food arrives...because pizza deserves undivided attention.
You know my need to vent at 2pm about a particularly bad day at work & at 2am when overthinking has led me to believe my life is falling apart.
You also know that LITs & hugs are enough to fix both.
You’re my biggest cheerleader. And my worst critic. It's hard to find someone who loves you for who you are & at the same time, is constantly pushing you to be the best version of yourself.
You make me want to grow, be better, more persistent, more confident.
You make me want to be more.
I love how we can have conversations about everything & nothing & know even what is left unsaid.
I love how no matter where we are in the world, you're my home.
I love how you are so huge a part of my everyday that I see you there for the rest of forever.
What I am trying to say is, maybe love isn’t in the first sight, violins & a celebratory ‘yes’. Maybe it is in the familiarity, comfortable silences & hundreds of ‘yes’s that follow.
It isn’t an occurrence, but a choice.
And if I could choose a thousand times, I’d still choose you.
Sometimes, dragons must be slayed, odds must be defied, lives must be risked for a happily-ever-after.
Sometimes, life gives it to us when we aren’t even looking & all it takes is a leap of faith.