Whims list…

Another Monday…one of those many when I woke up wondering would it really matter if I sit back at home doing absolutely nothing.  I bet no…I have at least a dozen friends who do exactly the same, and except for the occasional cribbing about life sans job being a boring one, life seems perfectly OK for them.

They do hang out with friends, more often than I do, since they have free weekdays too, unlike me.

They do go for vacation…dad-sponsored…unlike me…for whom vacation means taking the earliest flight back home and catching the latest flight back to work.

They do take afternoon nap till date, something I have left with my summer holidays in college.

They do ask their dads for money till date, something I haven’t done for years now. All the money talks with my dad have been limited to investment plans and tax return filings. And to be honest, I miss those days when I had to ask dad for an ice cream or had to save pennies to buy a book I had been eying for months.

They still bargain with roadside vendors for a pair of earrings, unlike me…who, as have grown up, have also grown allergic to all impure metals. My mom calls it getting used to comfort, much as I try to disagree with her, I know it’s true.

They still manage to live a life sans credit card, unlike me, who needs a credit card to pay her bills and then a cozy job to pay the credit card bill.

I know thinking all these makes absolutely no sense, all I can probably do is when Facebook asks me what’s on your mind, end up saying: “misses the excitement of exception and sudden happenings in her daily routine” and invite a few comments and likes. But really, on second thought, what is it that I want to do right now and can’t do.

Thought of a random list, here it goes…

-          Quit my job right now, or at least bunk for a month or two (the more the better)
-          Get enrolled in some odd Ph.D. program where they give you a degree for talking nonsense with people (and name it business communication to make it sound serious)
-          Sit back in a cozy corner of my home with a book in hand and a coffee mug to accompany me
-          Talk to mom, endlessly, about things that doesn’t matter to me or her
-          Go for a walk on a sea beach with close friends
-          Just be happy sea-stalking on a chilly night…with guitar playing at the background
-          Ensure that wherever I go, the mobile network doesn’t follow
-          Give a close friend a surprise birthday bash at midnight
-          Lie on the terrace and count the stars, with my cousin keeping a count of the count
-          Pull out my old diary and go through it all over again
-          Start penning down thoughts more frequently, without feeling ‘I have lost it in me’
-          Walk through the lanes and by-lanes of Hyderabad and capture the stories that the city has to share
-          Better still, catch the next flight back Kolkata and raid College Street for old books
-          Go bungee jumping
-          Go sky diving and feel alive and kicking

That reminds me…am I dead? Aren’t we all? In some way or the other haven’t we all compromised things that we would love to do for things that needs to be done?

Nevertheless, lists make me feel good. A feeling of ‘we shall overcome someday’…overcome being lifeless and feel alive and kicking.

Between, just wanted to share…every morning I wake up to check this place: http://misoolecoresort.com/

Gives me a reason to come to work and look forward to that one text at the end of the month, “Your account has been credited with …”

What’s your reason of coming to work?


Anonymous said…
when the heart of the author is not in the content it shows.
moon.attic said…
the moment the heart of any individual is in content, it's death for him/ her.

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