Forget it!
February has been a roller coaster ride. Even before I realized, I found myself in the middle of many things. And now, I am kind of happy that February is about to end. No…don’t get me wrong! This has been a good month. To sort myself out! Well…kind of…
For one, I seriously considered relocating to Kolkata. Twice or thrice I guess. Enough to make my mom feel something is wrong, and start with “Come back home” after days. And realized I am in love with Hyderabad. For weird reasons though! I am in love with the alleys of the city, the language which is still foreign to me. And strange as it may sound, perhaps with my job too (and that’s the scariest realization)!
Two, I had no idea of where I was going professionally, rather where life was taking me. So I did the best I could do. Trust people I believed in. Trusted in the fact that they know the ‘me’ I might not be aware of. And it paid off. Loved the fact that I can still trust people with my life!
Three, I realized (for the n’th time now) that am possessive about things/ people I don’t possess/ have no rights on. A f***ing realization, if I may call it so. But nevertheless, true. And had action items for myself printed in red: LET GO OFF THINGS!
Four, some bonds got strengthened. Strange as it may seem, loved and lived (or shall it be in present continuous) life, or shall I say moments.
Five, got back to square one. With the same question: why do I need to marry? And decided, need more time! And re-realized my attachment phobia. Well, my mom can kill me for this realization. Thank God she is not aware of this blog.
Six – and this is weird. Kind of irritated with social networking, people stalking…and stopped Facebooking (for those who know me, they will vouch it’s one of my greatest achievements). Yes, realized was being moronic with philosophical musing, so…pause!
Seven, missed some of my friends. Well…a couple of them to be precise. But that’s ok. Happens!
Eight, umm…I don’t remember!
Was all these that important anyway? Guess NO!
So…forget it!