Heart goes on...

“The heart does heal and you will love like this again – except when you do, you'll deny that you ever loved like this before.”

Read this a week back, thanks to a darling sister of mine. Smiled and called her to hear: “This is life…” which made me ponder.

Wonder…is it some person we fall in love with? Or are we in love with the concept of love? Love with the thought of caring for someone? A sense of belongingness, care, understanding! Someone to fight with…and then make up! Someone to be with!

I have often wondered, are we in love with the habit? Habit of loving, being together? And when that habit ceases to exist, we miss it for few days (or months) and then move on? Except for that one time, when true love touches us to last for a lifetime. And makes us smile every time we hurt ourselves.

Having seen more break-ups than patch-ups over the past couple of months, and the alarming recovery speed, I wonder – how can one possibly move on so fast if in love? Or, how can one possibly move on at all? Am not saying moving on is not an option. It’s a necessity; any sane person would vouch for it. But, is it humanly possible to erase someone off your memory just like that? Like Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind…as they call it! Or do they just move on from one transitional guy/ gal to another…one after other?

I have also seen people who have loved love in spite of love. Loved because they don’t know how to un-love. And I loved to see them.  

All said and done (or witnessed and smiled), would just rest the topic by saying: Moving on is a necessity; with or without it is a choice we make for ourselves.

Oops! Almost forgot! Just a piece of advice, if nothing helps…watch How I Met Your Mother! I know it’s a weird advice, but it makes you laugh. And at the end of it, it’s the smiles that count, isn’t it?

Thanks –
  • To my sweet kiddo sister, who grew up all of a sudden!
  • To a dear friend for the time-pass How I Met Your Mother advice!
  • To a nursery friend for coming up with the concept of between-the-relationships relationship!


Sayani N said…
I so damn loved it.. n smiling
moon.attic said…
I know dear :-) That was to make u smile :-)

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