Forgotten dreams...
The scent of jasmine makes me high. Well, usually, if I am already not high on other things. On a regular conversation yesterday, my mom mentioned among many other things, “Your room is smelling jasmine this summer. The tree outside your window is full of flowers. You should have been here now.” While I promised her to be there soon, I was already there in my room, my corner in my mind.
Back to those days when I used to look for a corner for ‘me’ in a big joint family set-up. Those days when be it any time of the day, we would have a guest at our place, those days when dadabhai and me dreamt of building a house with large aquariums. Both of us silently wished for a room of our own, where we would have our own world. As we grew up, we did have our own rooms. And my parents took care that it has all the things that I love… like a jasmine tree in front of my window, the view of an open sky, and even a super-terrace (again, an un-dictionary term) for me to lie down and watch the night sky.
But, we moved out to pursue our dreams. The corner remained. The sky remained, the skyline changed. Now when I go back, I get too busy to even sit in the super-terrace, making my dad complain, “You don’t even go there for a minute, and it’s all just for you.” To which my reply is always the same: “Next time Bapun, promise I will take a month vacation and do all that I loved doing as a kid.” But I know, even he knows that the ‘one month’ would never come.
As my mom waters the jasmine plant and the maid cleans the terrace everyday without fail, sitting miles away I wonder – do our parents still live those dreams we have left? Is it because they do not have access to our present dreams? Or they know that some day, we will miss those dreams that we have lost somewhere in trying to dream big?
Or is it just because no matter how big we grow, they still nurture the kid in us?