a night of Love...

On some nights I just have myself for company. Nights when I am too numb to feel anything, even love! Or care. An unexplainable feeling, not of sadness or loneliness... but of plunging deep! A strange feeling of being nobody! A night when all I want is to end a story that never started. When all I have to give is a fossiled me! When I drift away to a wonderland that never existed.

Such nights are few and far between, but they do come. At regular intervals! Till the Cheshire cat asks me which road to take?

And I am clueless. All roads lead me away from my wonderland. All roads make me realize I have become an expert in faking smile…and even happiness.

Nights when I feel I have no love left to love. No dreams left to be wilted.

Will you love me on such a night? Will you still hold me tight as I reconsider being yours?

You might. You might not. But I love myself the most on such nights.  


aakash said…
I can totally relate to the notion.
These are the times when we connect to the otherwise shut self of ours. And though it seems dark and numb, but it's comforting, those hours spent with solitude.

moon.attic said…
Bet it's comforting Aakash. Though the feeling after you are out of it is strange...wanting to hold on to something knowing nothing is really yours...such psychological rehabs at regular intervals cleanse our inner selves
Anonymous said…
Undoubtedly its a neat thought which is put across immaterially. U r an artist of portraying thoughts dat runs deep down under. I wonder how many people can even understand such feelings they are going through! well, sulagna probably God also doesnt have an answer to ur anxiety, normally its difficult for others to understand deep down under or inside out. but as I said in my earlier post, if one is able to relate or happens to be sharing some what same sphere, then trust me Ull get the Love much more than U think or imagine.

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