
‘Riding in silence’…ever felt it? Those moments when you just drive (or ride is it? This term never fails to confuse me)…those moments when you actually feel that you can drive away all your pain…the soft music and an open road…an unknown (or perhaps known) destination…rain kissing the road…you wishing the rain to kiss you… Those moments when you actually ‘live’ your life…those moments when you actually feel alive! Rain walks and rain drives have always been my favorite. Something I relate to…something that touches the core of my existence. Don’t know how, don’t know since when…but since the time I remember knowing me, rain has been there. What drives you? You must have heard this question many times. Ever heard anyone answering “Drive drives me…”? Trust me, it does…just try the rain and drive combination! Look at the raindrops fall on your wind shield….put your face outside the window and feel the raindrops piercing your face…you would know what life means. You woul...